a brief (her)story
Picture it—New Jersey, the late 20th century
Two loving, patient, very creative 20-somethings await the birth of their first born in a dim (or maybe it was well lit? I don't know, I wasn't there yet), probably greenish (it was the eighties after all)
hospital room, but a stone's throw from their first
home. This came in really handy when said first born fell out of their minivan on some rainy day way back when and had to get stitches in the back of her head...
LONG STORY SHORT—I was pretty much destined to be creative, and here I am—creative! (Among other things, of course.) I have a passion for turning tedious, complicated data into simple and accessible information. I love running. I'm simply obsessed with color, which may or may not contribute to (or perhaps be the sole purpose of) my parallel obsession with nail polish. (If you're also obsessed with color, there's a really, really fantastic game you should download now called Blendoku. You can thank me later.)
Now—where was I...